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Breast reduction









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Price: from 2900 ?

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Breast Reduction surgery abroad

  • Duration of the surgery: 2 - 4 hours
  • Inpatient/outpatient: Usually outpatient
  • Anesthesia: Mostly general
  • Recovery: Depending on the activity of the work, you may go back to work after approximately a couple of weeks
  • Possible side effects: Breasts can be sore, swollen or you may feel bruised for about two weeks after the surgery.
    Breasts and nipples may be temporarily numb.
  • Scars: Breast reduction leaves permanent scars, which become lighter and less noticeable during time. NB! Every
    operation leaves some kind of a scar!
  • Risks: Like with every major surgery, this also includes risks such as
    hemorrhage, infection and reaction to
    anesthesia. Specific risks are: losing breast/nipple sensation,
    inability to breastfeed, asymmetry in the size, shape and position of your breasts/nipples.
  • Results: In case there is no considerable weight fluctuation after breast reduction, whether gaining or
    losing weight and you do not become pregnant, then the breasts should stay the same size and shape.
  • Price: from 2900 ?
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