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Breast reduction

Breast reduction Breast reduction

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a common plastic surgery operation which includes breast size reduction by excising fat, skin, breast implants and glandular tissue; breast reduction operation may also involve a procedure to counteract drooping of the breasts. As with breast augmentation, this operation is typically performed on women, but may also be performed on men affectred by gynecomastia.

When breasts are too large

Breast reduction surgery is oriented toward women with large, pendulous breasts, especially gigantomastia, since the weight of their breasts may cause chronic pain of the head, neck, back, and shoulders, plus circulation and breathing problems.
It becomes obvious that women should have breast reduction surgery not only for aesthetic reasons, but also because it is necessary from the medical point of view. Big breasts interfere with many (sporting) activities; even sleeping may be more difficult.

Furthermore, besides the physical discomfort, big-breasted women feel clumsy, especially if their breasts are not in proportion with the body in general. The weight may also cause discomfort as a result of brassiere straps abrading or irritating the skin.
Males with common condition of gynecomastia may feel embarrassed and upset with their condition, usually developed during adolescence.

How breast reduction surgery works

Breast reductions is performed usually while the patient is under general anesthesia. During pre-operative consultations, patient may be advised new, usually higher, positions for the areolas and nipples.
The traditional popular technique in North America bases the blood supply to the nipple and areola complex from a central and inferiorly based attachment to the chest wall (an "inferior pedicle" or "central mound" technique).
As a rule, the operations works as follows:

  • surgeon makes an anchor-shaped incision around the areola, which widens below and follows the inframmary fold - therefore, three incisions are made.
  • excess of fat, skin and breast glandular tissue are removed
  • nipples with the skin surrounding the nipple or areola are moved to another position and if needed, their size is also reduced
  • to give breast a new contour, skin around former areola is brought down from both sides of the breast and around the areola and is stitched
  • stitches will be around the areola, the vertical stitching under the nipple and the horizontal under the breast. If the breasts aren't excessively large, then the vertical stitch may be avoided with some techniques
  • new position of the areola is usually established, but it is not removed from nerves and blood vessels. The latter however is unavoidable for especially large breasts. However, such kind of transplantation makes the nipple and the areola permanently numb and with the reduction of the mammary glands may make future breastfeeding impossible.

Occasionally, if overweight is an issue, breasts could be reduced with liposuction, leaving minimal scars and breast skin very supple. An elastic band is tied around the breasts after the surgery and a drainage could also be placed for a day or for some weeks.

Cautions in breast reduction operations

Reduction mammoplasty is not recommended to ladies, willing to breastfeed in the future. Breast reduction surgery is performed only on patients whose breasts are fully developed, except in estraordinary cases, when large breasts cause serious physical discomfort. Breast reduction operation is not recommended also to women with heavy excess of weight,having heart, lungs or kidneys problems. I.e. if you plan a considerable weight loss, then it is reasonable to do it before the breast reduction surgery, since breasts may lose a part of their shape and bottom out. In some cases the surgeon might indicate a need to lose some weight before the surgery.

Before and after the surgery

You must have a mammogram before breast reduction surgery. If you smoke, you have to stop it for a some period before and after the operation, because smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and it hinders recovery. Smokers have often wound complications and as a result may have larger and hypertrophic scars. The surgeon could also impose restrictions on eating, drinking alcohol, ant taking vitamins or medications. The surgeon may recommend to diet before the surgery as well.

After the surgery, at the beginning of recovery, your breasts will probably be sore, very tender and swollen. You should take painkillers if needed and antibiotics to lessen the probability of infection. You should wear a supporting braand the wound should also be protected with a band.

Sutures will be removed one by one during three weeks, absorbable sutures will take at least six weeks to disappear. You should avoid sexual activities for the first month, because it could cause extra swelling. If your work is not too strenuous, you can go back to work 2-3 weeks after the surgery, but phisical excercises should be on minimal level. It could take up to a month for after surgery pain to disappear and final results can be seen in six months or a year after breast reduction operation.

Taking care of your breasts

You would improve life quality with firmer breasts and better looking breasts. However you should keep in mind that if your breast areola was transplanted during the surgery, it may not be possible to breastfeed anymore. The surgery is just the beginning of getting more attractive breasts; you'l have to take care of your breasts regularly.
You should use silicone plasters or some respective procedures that can be applied at home or at a beauty salon to make scars less visible.
You should continue to wear a supportive bra, because aging and gravity make the breast older.
To assure breasts retain their size, you should avoid weight changes and getting pregnant.
You should keep examining your breasts and have a mammogram once in a while. Especially if surgery makes mammograms easier, since it may be difficult to get a decent mammogram reading with a great deal of excess breast tissue.
In addition to wearing a bra, you should also take care of your breasts with moisturizers, because after reaching the thirties, the tissues start to lose their suppleness and the skin becomes drier. You will get good results with masks that trim and reduce wrinkles on the breasts. The larger the breasts, the more attention they need!

Although breast reduction is not advocated as a cancer risk reducing procedure, a woman's risk of subsequently developing breast cancer will be reduced proportionately to the amount of breast tissue left.

Price: from 2900 ?

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Breast Reduction surgery abroad

  • Duration of the surgery: 2 - 4 hours
  • Inpatient/outpatient: Usually outpatient
  • Anesthesia: Mostly general
  • Recovery: Depending on the activity of the work, you may go back to work after approximately a couple of weeks
  • Possible side effects: Breasts can be sore, swollen or you may feel bruised for about two weeks after the surgery.
    Breasts and nipples may be temporarily numb.
  • Scars: Breast reduction leaves permanent scars, which become lighter and less noticeable during time. NB! Every
    operation leaves some kind of a scar!
  • Risks: Like with every major surgery, this also includes risks such as
    hemorrhage, infection and reaction to
    anesthesia. Specific risks are: losing breast/nipple sensation,
    inability to breastfeed, asymmetry in the size, shape and position of your breasts/nipples.
  • Results: In case there is no considerable weight fluctuation after breast reduction, whether gaining or
    losing weight and you do not become pregnant, then the breasts should stay the same size and shape.
  • Price: from 2900 ?
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