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Varicose vein

Varicose vein Varicose vein

Varicose vein surgery or vein stripping
is a surgical procedure to remove varicose veins.

Why to make varicose vein surgery

Varicose veins are veins that have become enlarged and tortuous. The term commonly refers to the veins on the leg,although varicose veins can occur elsewhere.
This is problem for both men and women irrespective of age. However. our research show that varicose veins appear more often in women, who have greater predispositions than men, e.g. pregnancy or changes from aging.


Varicose veins are most of all an aesthetic issue, but can cause other problems as well:

  • pangs of pain,
  • legs that seem heavy,
  • swelling,
  • itching,

spasms may also occur when the problem develops further and the blood flow becomes slower – in this case you should definitely see a doctor.

Varicose vein surgery solves these problems, removing varicose veins. The procedure does not affect the blood stream in the legs, because the inner blood vessels that are deeper beneath the skin will not be touched.

How varicose veins surgery works

All the visible and severely varicose parts of veins, primarily those which may cause an infection or complications, are removed during the surgery. You will have an ultrasound before the surgery to determine where and which valves in the vein are not working properly.

The surgery involves making one or more incisions upon the desired area (usually the groin or leg) followed by insertion of a special wire into the vein. The wire is tied to and advanced through the vein to a desired depth. The vein is then pulled out from the body. The incisions are stitched up, and pressure dressings are applied to the incision.
Whether you need one or two incisions depends on the problem, but usually two are made.

After that the incisions in the pubic area and knee or ankle are stitched and the surgeon will tie an elastic bandage around your leg.

The procedure is actually quite simple and doesn't take much time.An overnight hospital stay is sometimes required, although some clinics may do it as a day surgery procedure.

The surgeon will usually make many smaller incisions as well (approx. 5 mm) to remove smaller lumps. These incisions are not stitched, but "patched" with a strip of cloth. Varicose veins could also be just closed and not removed from the leg. In this case they will not remain lumpy and visible, since blood does not flow through them any more. Neither of the methods influences the blood circulation, since blood will flow through other veins.

Before and after vein surgery

It might be necessary to shave your legs before the surgery and you definitely take a shower before operation. You should stop smoking for some time before the surgery, because smoking hinders recovery. You must not eat or drink six hours before the surgery, should not drink alcohol one day before the surgery and about 48 hours after it.

Because of anesthesia effects, activities, which may cause injuries to the patient and also other people, e.g. driving, are prohibited after the surgery. It is recommended to have a rest for a few hours right after the surgery and take painkillers if you need.

It is recommended to walk at least half an hour a day few days after the operation and avoid sitting for a long time or lying down. You should keep the wound dry for a couple of days. The sutures will be removed after 10 days. You have to wear an elastic bandage for a few days and support stockings for a while after the surgery (1 – 2 months), since these help to speed up the recovery. Moderate exercising (swimming and cycling) during recovery is only good for you. You can start with active physical activities in about a month.

How to avoid avoid varicose veins

People, who already have problems with varicose veins in their family, should take extra care of their legs – they have a hereditary predisposition as their connective tissue is weaker due to genetical transmission. Hormonal changes, such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause quicken the process in women.

There are resons that may lead to to varicose veins:

  • standing up for long periods of time (e.g. salespersonnel, hairdressers, etc.),
  • sitting for a long time (people working with computers, drivers),
  • keeping your legs in a constrained position,
  • excessive heat (sauna, hot bath, sunbathing and the like),
    being overweight,
  • wearing high heels.

Varicose veins are a cosmetic problem just at the beginning , but infections and ulcers may occur and this is harder to cure. Therefore, it would be wise to see a doctor when the disease is in the initial phase: when varicose veins appear and your legs feel heavy, tired and painful.

The bluish veins might not be visible at all, but the patient has symptoms that indicate varicose veins. You should start wearing support stockings when there is only one varicose vein "adorning" your leg. The stockings might help the varicose veins to recede: they will channel the blood towards the heart and prevent it from accumulating to the veins.

People, whose job requires them to sit or stand, should put their legs to the table once in a while or just keep them elevated, so that blood could flow back to the body. It is recommended to avoid standing or sitting for a long time, hot showers and the sauna as well to prevent varicose veins. You should also avoid high heels and keep your weight stable. You should exercise whenever it is the least possible.And you will not need vein stripping in future !

Price: from 485 ?

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Varicose vein surgery abroad

  • Duration of the surgery: 1 - 2 hours
  • Inpatient/outpatient: Outpatient
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia.
  • Recovery: It depends on whether the surgery was performed on one or two legs. It is recommended to take at least two weeks off from work.
  • Possible side effects: Temporary swelling, aching, haematoma in the incision area, hemorrhage.
  • Scars: The scars will become less visible during time, but will not disappear completely.
  • Risks: Like with every major surgery, this also includes risks such as hemorrhage, infection,
    scar tissue and reaction to anesthesia. Some veins could still be visible.
  • Results: Permanent. Although the surgery will not remove the original cause of varicose veins.
    New ones may appear.
  • Price: from 485 ?

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