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Nose correction

Nose correction Nose correction

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to improve the function (reconstructive surgery) or the appearance (cosmetic surgery) of a human nose. Rhinoplasty is also commonly called "nose reshaping", "nose correction", "nose surgery" or "nose job". Rhinoplasty can be combined with other surgical procedures such as chin augmentation to enhance the aesthetic results.

Reasons to make nose surgery

  • To make your nose bigger or smaller
  • To correct a nose that is disproportioned and does not fit the face
  • To change the shape of the tip, bridge and also nostrils, the angle between the nose and upper lip, remove a bump, etc
  • To relieve or solve some breathing problems that are caused by too narrow or partly clogged nostrils.
  • To make a person look considerably better, however, as a substantial bonus, it boosts a person's self-confidence and satisfaction with his or her looks.

How nose rhinoplasty works

Rhinoplasty operation may be carried out under local or general anesthesia. There are 2 ways to perform the surgery:

  • closed (internal) surgery, so incisions will be made in the nasal cavity, inside the nostrils,
  • open (external) nose surgery, in which case the incision will be on the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils.

Open technique is more convenient for a doctor and enables to do more complicated procedures. Nevertheless, the closed technique affects the tissues considerably less and the wound will heal faster; absorbable sutures will be used with this technique. Skin and soft tissue will be removed from the nose structure beneath them after the incision with both techniques. After that the cartilage and bone will be reshaped according to the patient's wishes (and of course within the limits of normality).

Way of nose reshaping is individual and depends on the particular situation. For example, when patient needs to make nose smaller, the nasal bone is carefully fractured in order to remove the excessive material; in case of breathing problems, the clogs will be removed.

Material for transplanting will be taken from the patient's body or in some cases, made from synthetic material. Skin will be pulled back over the reshaped nose and stitched with absorbable or nonabsorbable sutures when transplantant attached.

Finally, a cast will be placed on patient's nose, allowing to keep new shape. Little soft casts could also be placed into nostrils, in order to stabilize the septum.

Nose job is one of the most complicated types of plastic surgery. Patient should know well about what kind of a result he wants. Target customers for nose surgery are people, having nose stopped growing (at least 18 years old) and who have realistic views about the results.

Before and after nose surgery

You should also give an overview of your medical history, allergies, nose injuries, breathing problems and the like.
The surgeon will give you dietary, smoking and alcohol instructions before the surgery since some bad habbits it hinder recovery.
You should also think about help before coming to the surgery and having painkillers and ice bags to reduce the swelling.

You may have nose and headaches after the surgery and the swelling around your eyes and nose will increase during the first weeks, but should then start to reduce gradually. You should avoid blowing your nose, while it is healing. The incision should be kept dry.

Casts, bandages and sutures will be removed within a few weeks and should avoid excessive UV radiation. Normal everyday life returns in a week, but you will probably want to stay home for a longer period of time due to your swollen looks. You should wait at least two or three weeks with sport. You can see the final result after a year or a longer period of time.

Taking care of your nose

Rhinoplasty improves appearance of your nose and brings it into balance with the rest of your face. Rhinoplasty can also help if you have chronic nose diseases due to aging when cartilage and the nasal tip weaken and the sides of the nose fall in and the airflow becomes blocked.

Another common nose disease is rhinitis. This could be acute, chronic or allergic. The symptoms of an acute or chronic rhinitis are a congested nose, sneezing and nasal discharge. Acute rhinitis often comes with a fever, cough and a sore throat. This is usually caused by a virus and spreads as a droplet infection. Chronic rhinitis is therefore caused by an acute rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, but also allergies, adenoids, a severely crooked septum and the like.

Smelling sensitivity also depends on nose. This is usually affected by the swelling of the mucous membrane during rhinitis; as a result of this the airflow to the smell receptors is blocked. Polyps, sinusitis, mucous membrane injuries, aging and smoking also reduce smelling sensitivity and push people in many cases to have a nose job.


from 1600 EUR

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Nose surgery abroad - Rhinoplasty

  • Duration of the surgery: Usually 1-2 hours
  • Inpatient/outpatient: Usually outpatient
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia.
  • Recovery: It would be reasonable to take at least a week off from work or school. You can start with strenuous activities in about two or three weeks. You should avoid direct UV radiation and hitting your nose for a year.
  • Possible side effects: Temporary swelling around your nose and eyes,
    nose and headache, hemorrhage.
  • Scars: There are no visible scars with the closed technique; the scars are minimal with open technique.
  • Risks: Hemorrhage, infection, scar tissue and reactions to anesthesia.
    Little red spots or a need for an additional procedure may appear.
  • Results: Permanent.
  • Price: from 1600 EUR
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