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Bad liposuction

Liposuction is hardly the most difficult or complicated plastic surgery procedure. Usually, recovery period for liposuction is the shortest among all surgeries and post-operation procedures are the less demanding for a patient. However, patient may fail to follow even the simplest instruction, and this may lead to liposuction complications.

One of such instructions after liposuction is to wear a compression garment after stomach lipo. If you look at the picture below, you’ll see the example of such complications. The lady didn’t wear compression garment and put on tight jeans instead. Her upper stomach remained smooth, but everything below is not.

wear a compression garment after stomach lipo

Another example of non-aesthetic results of liposuction is overuse of this procedure if patient is too much obsessed with weight loss.

The non-elastic stomach on the photo below is the result of overzealous liposuction, coupled with excessive weight loss.
Excessive liposuction

Too much aggressive liposuction can remove underlying fat leading to skin that sags. Also, loose skin is a sign of aging. Older skin loses its elasticity very easily, however this happens also with young skin, if person is an avid sun worshipper.
Excessive liposuction

Extensive lipodissolve also may lead to non-aesthetic results. Lipodissolve is injection of potion containing phosphatidylcholine/deoxycholate (PCDC), multivitamins, alpha lipid acid, enzymes and plant extracts. The mixture breaks down blood fats, but increases also heart disease risks.

Lipodissolve was not good

Lipodissolve was not good

However, pictures above are not the worst scenario. You can see such below: two ruptured and infected hematomas on abdomen after lipodissolve.

Price:from 575 EUR

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Liposuction surgery abroad

  • Duration of the surgery: 1-2 hours
  • Inpatient/outpatient: Depends on the extent of the surgery. The patient usually requires an overnight inpatient stay at the clinic.
  • Anesthesia: Spinal or general anesthesia
  • Recovery: You can go back to work in about a week, depending on how you feel. You should wait a couple to four weeks with strenuous activities. The swelling should go down completely after six months.
  • Possible side effects: Temporary swelling, aching, numbness and burning sensation in the incision area are possible.
  • Scars: The scars are permanent, but rather inconspicuous.
  • Risks: Like with every major surgery, this also includes risks such as hemorrhage, infection, scar tissue and reaction to anesthesia. Possible risks also include baggy skin and irregular position of hypodermic tissue; dehydration, fluid retention; skin injury.
  • Results: Permanent, if you keep your weight stable, eat a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Price: from 575 EUR
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